Menu 9 - Food for Dummies

Posted 7:27 PM by Sarah in
So, I'm reading "Nutrition for Dummies" and what I'm learning is basically that all food is both good and bad for you. The best food for protein (complete, easy for your body to digest and use)? Meat. Food that's not so great for you ie cholesterol? Meat. Confusing I know. I was reading this book to try to get a better handle on what I could do to eat better - but I'm still pretty lost.

For now what I do know is that fresh foods is a good thing! And taking things in moderation is the best way to maintain both your weight and health. Oh yeah - and exercising doesn't hurt either - but this is a food blog, why talk about exercise?

So - with that said - I have no new wonderful insights on food (yet) but I do have a wonderful weekly menu.

Baked pretzel knots -- these take a while to make, but they are DELICIOUS and you can use your leftover buttermilk for them. (If your stores are like my stores then you had to buy waaaay too much buttermilk for the baked fried chicken).
Pickled Vegetable Salad with Soft-Boiled Eggs

Fish sticks -- to keep the sticks from sticking to your baking pan - put flour on the pan before baking - or spray with non-stick cooking spray
Corn on the cob

Lamb chops with fresh herbs and roasted figs
Melanie's potatoes (you too can have your recipe on here - just let me know your favorite dish)

Warm Chicken Ranch Wraps (another way to use up the last of the buttermilk)

It's Friday, you should go out to eat!
But if you aren't -- Taco Salad

2 comment(s) to... “Menu 9 - Food for Dummies”


Unknown said...

What a mmm-mmm-menu! The pickled veggie salad looks good to me, though I don't think I could sneak that one past Jimmy. We'll see... Thanks for the fish-stick-non-stick tip. I'll try it.

Sarah said...

Ethan made Melanie's potatoes, but I think he had his ratios wrong - they were S P I C Y!!!