Menu 11 - In honor of Katie

Posted 7:32 PM by Sarah in
So, Katie was here this weekend and we did a WHOLE LOT of eating out. I'm really not sure how people do that on a regular basis - with the amount of food you get at a restaurant there really isn't enough room in my stomach to eat more than 2 meals a day -- this makes me sad because I like to eat at least three meals. I guess, it's just one more reason to have these weekly menus and to cook at home. :)

The other reason this menu is in honor of Katie is because many moons ago she asked for mom's stir fry recipe and this week I am posting it. Enjoy!

Sarah :)

Thai Chicken Pizza (yeah for Rachael Ray)

Stirfry with tofu

Artichokes - just steam the artichokes for an hour or so and serve with melted butter (Yum!)
BBQ chicken - slather some chicken with BBQ sauce and throw in the oven - EASY!

Green chile burgers (click on "green chile" to see how to roast the chile and "burgers" for the burger)
Asparagus fries

Salmon with garlic butter

2 comment(s) to... “Menu 11 - In honor of Katie”


Anonymous said...

I'll have Rachel and Jimmy make me a green chile burger

Unknown said...

We were psychic and made green chili burgers last week. We're making quinoa this week.