Menu 2 - Summer time, summer time

Posted 6:12 PM by Sarah in
It is SO hot this week! I don't want to eat anything but salads... well that's not true, I'd also like to eat ice cream and popsicles, but for the purpose of this blog, we'll talk about salads.

Dessert salad (not really dessert, but could be! It's delicious)
Grilled steak

Taco salad

Mandarin Orange salad (funny thing about this salad... I was talking to my mom on the phone telling her how much I love this salad, and she said, "Sounds good, can you send me the recipe," I responded "This is YOUR recipe mom")
Spicy Oven Fried Chicken

VIP salad with seared tuna (When I got married my parents' friends threw me (and my sister who got married 2 months before I did) a "recipe shower". There were some delicious recipes given to us at this shower - and this salad is one of them!)

Oriental Green Bean salad
Miso Soup

Saturday & Sunday
It's the 4th of July weekend. Get yourself invited to a BBQ!!! :)

Is there a salad you absolutely love that you want to share? Post it in the comments and it might end up on a future menu!

3 comment(s) to... “Menu 2 - Summer time, summer time”


Unknown said...'s so hot here, too, so salads sound perfect. Thanks for posting these so early.

Kate said...

Yes -- I love my salad. It's spinach, artichoke hearts, olives, cherry tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers (if you like that kind of thing), and feta cheese. Then just add a little olive oil.

The VIP salad sounds pretty good

Sarah said...

Oooh - Kate, your salad sounds delicious, I'll have to add it to my repertoire.