Menu for the week

Posted 8:13 PM by Sarah in
So - here goes! I guess a disclaimer should be that these menus don't always involve a whole lot of cooking. That should be good news for some of you - ease into the whole cooking thing.

I am still working on all the technical stuff - so for this week, I'll just list the menu (dishes with recipes available can be clicked on):


Mmm, fish sticks -- but not the kind that comes straight from the freezer. These are home made healthier (more delicious) fish sticks. Don't mock it until you try it!


It's summer time! Grill the burgers outside if you can. And add some grilled onions if you are feeling daring. To grill the onions - just brush them lightly with olive oil and sprinkle some kosher salt over them. Then put them on a heated grill until grill marks appear (turn and repeat).


Easy day!!! These fast and EASY dishes will taste delicious. If you are serving them to unsuspecting guests - make sure they think you were in the kitchen slaving all day over this! :)
  • Roast chicken <--I recommend just buying one from your local grocery store
  • Squash casserole
  • Salad <-- use the left over salad from yesterday! :)


This Middle Eastern dish is delicious with or without the french fries. If it's a light meal, then just the schwarma and the tomato-cucumber salad will do. If it's a bigger meal - then add the french fries (you can't go wrong with potatoes).

This meal feels like a pinic meal to me. You can make it at home for dinner with family - or make it to go. I loved bringing it to an outdoor movie to share with friends. Everyone just put some of the pickles, chumus, and olives on their plate along with the schnitzel and dug in. Mmm!
  • Schnitzel (I did not make the capers and parsley with this)
  • Chumus (Hummus) <-- I really like Sabra brand with pine nuts
  • Pickles <-- you can get these is specialty Middle Eastern stores - they taste different than American pickles
  • Pickled ocra <-- you can find these in most grocery stores
  • Olives <-- Choose your favorite kind

4 comment(s) to... “Menu for the week”


Kate said...

mmm. sounds delicious! Thursday looks like my favorite

Amanda said...

Those sound GREAT Sarah! I love squash so I am going to have to try that recipe!

I have a few foodie blogs on my blog roll you should go look at. One of my fav's is Cinnamon Spice...Reeni had GREAT recipes.
Also check out They have tons of great new recipes everyday. My friend Jess and I spend hours looking through there.

Unknown said...

I think I'm going to make the fish sticks next week...even Eli can eat them!! Did you come up with the name? Clever, Sarah, veeeeeery clever!! :)
When are you going to post menus? Can I put in a suggestion for Sundays in time for my grocery shopping trip on Mondays?
Love you.

Anonymous said...

I can strive to do menus by Sunday -- but no promises... yet.