Posted 6:17 AM by Sarah in
We are getting ready for Rosh Hashana in the Pew house but we still have to eat on other days this week, right? Besides, since we aren't going to get to see you for the holiday (yes, you should be honored that I basically write this blog for 3 of you) you can see what delicious food you are missing (and make it on your own).

I also need to note that we are going to be eating a WHOLE lot of peaches this week because at the Farmer's market yesterday Ethan decided to buy 18 lbs. (that's not a typo) of peaches. "Millions of peaches, peaches for me..."

Pad Thai -- this is a new recipe I found. Do you have a tried and true recipe that you love? Please share it!

Okra curry -- (Ethan also bought okra at the farmer's market - and though I LOVE fried okra, I can't bring myself to make it at home)
Saag Paneer
Rice -- I would just buy boxed rice - either white or saffron
Puffy bread -- (I should look up what this is really called, but you buy it at the Indian store and it's frozen and then you put it on a griddle and it puffs up - similar to naan - but not quite. Tammy and Jason are you reading this? What's it called?)

Pumpkin soup*
Tomato salad with cheese

Burritos - if you need help making a burrito, e-mail me. :)

Whole trout with apple cider butter*
Asparagus (not just the plain asparagus, but a fun new twist)*


* Starred items will be making their Pew debut on Saturday night for RH dinner. :) And just because I think these dishes are delicious, I'll share with you the rest of our RH meal.
- Apples (duh!)
- Honey (we bought flavored honey, but were disappointed to find out that cherry honey, blackberry honey, and blueberry honey all taste just like honey)
- Penne Pasta
- Potato kugel with carrots
- Apple crumble
- Fuji Apple Spice Cake
- Round Challot

2 comment(s) to... “Menu 13 - HAPPY NEW YEAR”


Kate said...

i was going to say that about your honey -- but I didn't. I want to make the saag paneer, but i don't think i'm at that level yet. shana tova!

Unknown said...

Yum! Looks good. Some of the recipe links seem to be broken, though it could be my internet connection here. I'll try again later. Have a fun weekend with the crew!
Shana Tova!